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OMFG this is a filthy, nasty scene! I'm hanging out at my buddy Chico's house, which is known as a "porn house" to all the local sluts in the business. I'm kickin back with Chico when he gets a call from some ho's he's worked with saying that they want to break a friend of theirs into the business and they want someone to shoot her first scene. Well, I get an earful of this and jump at the chance. He tells them to swing by with her, and I quickly put the word out to all my load dumpers to get their asses over to the house ASAP. About 45 minutes later, I'm sitting there with a group of my creepy load dumpers and in walks this crew of HOT SLUTS. One of em barks "Roll the fuckin camera" and its ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. They pull in this chick Kelly Skylar, a complete noob to shooting porn and...
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