Simpson twins excerpt
Hi we're Shaina and Shana, the Simpson Twins. Thank you so much for visiting our site. We are so glad you ended up here. We have so much to show you. We've always been very close. We share a lot of things and always have. Now that we are over 18 we decided to try even more things together. We love masterbating together, we used to have contest to see who would get it first it was fun. Now a days, we share our girlfriends and boy friends too. There is nothing we would rather do then to turn you on together like good sisters should do. We bet you never thought that this could be possible, not in a million years or your dirtiest fantacies. Well, it is. The Milton Twins are our very, very special friends. We do a bunch of scenes together that will blow your mind. It doesn't just have t...
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