Barbie cummings excerpt
"Back again this week with another double interracial creampie session! After last week's double afro-cream injection, I was sure I finally hit the black baby lottery. I did the usual squat and pee on the stick, waiting for the right color to appear, but alas, no blue joy! So what's a black cock slut to do? What else, go find some more sperm donors! This week I decided to bring in the heavy hitters. My line-up...first at bat, Brian Pumper , the jizz dumper. They don't call him Pumper for nothing! He's like a pumptruck, when he reels out that black hose, he can put out any fire. Pumper is known for overshooting the mark when he blasts, and the low man on the totem pole gets to wipe the splatters off the wall, or mop up the floor. This time I'm making sure none of this gloppy goodness goe...
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