Found 1 pages
12 pictures
No Respect - Sam Johnson & Elizabeth Simpson
No Respect - Sam Johnson & Elizabeth Simpson
12 pictures
Alcohol Forbidden - Heather Stanton
Alcohol Forbidden - Heather Stanton
12 pictures
Heather Biblical Discipline
Heather Biblical Discipline
12 pictures
2 Girls pants down & punished
2 Girls pants down & punished
12 pictures
Thrashed and sent to bed
Thrashed and sent to bed
12 pictures
Bottom inspection & discipline
Bottom inspection & discipline
12 pictures
All girl discipline & spanking
All girl discipline & spanking
12 pictures
Trespassers caught & spaned
Trespassers caught & spaned
16 pictures
Justine thrashed on the bare
Justine thrashed on the bare
12 pictures
Teen punished by Miss Smith
Teen punished by Miss Smith
Found 1 pages