Shocking bdsm excerpt
You can tell by looking at me what I�m like sexually. A bit timid with a wild gleam in my eyes that says I�m a submissive little slut that will do anything to satisfy and pleasure the one in control of me. Bind me with your rope, leaving those sweet red marks on my wrists and ankles from the tightness induced burns. Make me feel vulnerable and helpless while you force the ball gag into my mouth and the leather straps around my trembling tits. My juices flow down the inside of my thighs and I know the punishment will be severe for allowing my excitement to show. Clothespins aren�t just for laundry anymore, they�re used to torture my swollen clit and my hardened nipples, pulling and stretching every appendage that you can think of with your dementedly Dominant mind. My mum...
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