Backroom casting couch excerpt
Ah, the college days. You're still confident about the future, and the world is your oyster, ripe for the slurping. When you're a 19 year old blossoming female, what better way to celebrate your awesomeness than auditioning for adult modeling jobs? That's what Delaney thinks, too. The girl is all smiles and cheers the entire time, and she really wants this to happen. So do I. She's already been pretty adventurous sexually but I'm still surprised when she deep-throats me without being told to. Even better: when I bend her over the desk I ask her what she thinks she'll be doing now. "Anal?", she asks. Well, not yet. But since she's practically begging for it, we'll do some of that today, too. She seems ecstatic when I glide in her ass and pound her from behind, the harder the better. Dela...
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