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From <![CDATA[<br /> <b>SUMMER VENGEANCE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS!</b> <table cellpadding="10px"> <tr> <td width="50%" valign="top" align="left"> <b><u>IONA GRACE</u></b> <br /> Tenacious DD<br /> HT: 5'3<br /> WT: 108lbs<br /> Season record (0-1) <br /> Lifetime record (0-1)<br /> Ranked 15th<br /> </td> <td width="50%" valign="top" align="left"> <b><u>JULIETTE MARCH</u></b> <br /> The Centarus<br /> HT: 5'1<br /> WT: 120lbs<br /> Season record (0-0) <br /> Lifetime record (0-0)<br /> Ranked 16th<br /> </td> </tr> </table><br> Welcome to the first match up in the SUMMER VENGEANCE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS. The top 16 competitors of Season 8, battle in a single elimination tourney to determine the over all Season Champion! You lose you go home, well fucked and humiliated. You win, you move forward to face a more dangerous opponent! <br> <br> Iona Grace finished Season 8 ranked 15th, she had only one match up in single competition but was very active in the Tag Team league. Iona has dropped some weight since the start of the year and is bordering on being put into the featherweight division.<br><br> Juliette March got a pass right into the number 16th spot. Due to numerous injuries and a last minute drop out, Juliette gets auto ranked into the tournament. The last place you want your first match to be, is in rough and tumble tournament of tournaments! The most brutal wrestling on the net!<br><br> ]]>
SUMMER VENGEANCE TOURNAMENT: Rank 16 vs 15Only non-scripted sex wrestling tourney in the world!
From <![CDATA[<br /> <b>SUMMER VENGEANCE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS!</b> <table cellpadding="10px"> <tr> <td width="50%" valign="top" align="left"> <b><u>IONA GRACE</u></b> <br /> Tenacious DD<br /> HT: 5'3<br /> WT: 108lbs<br /> Season record (0-1) <br /> Lifetime record (0-1)<br /> Ranked 15th<br /> </td> <td width="50%" valign="top" align="left"> <b><u>JULIETTE MARCH</u></b> <br /> The Centarus<br /> HT: 5'1<br /> WT: 120lbs<br /> Season record (0-0) <br /> Lifetime record (0-0)<br /> Ranked 16th<br /> </td> </tr> </table><br> Welcome to the first match up in the SUMMER VENGEANCE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS. The top 16 competitors of Season 8, battle in a single elimination tourney to determine the over all Season Champion! You lose you go home, well fucked and humiliated. You win, you move forward to face a more dangerous opponent! <br> <br> Iona Grace finished Season 8 ranked 15th, she had only one match up in single competition but was very active in the Tag Team league. Iona has dropped some weight since the start of the year and is bordering on being put into the featherweight division.<br><br> Juliette March got a pass right into the number 16th spot. Due to numerous injuries and a last minute drop out, Juliette gets auto ranked into the tournament. The last place you want your first match to be, is in rough and tumble tournament of tournaments! The most brutal wrestling on the net!<br><br> ]]>
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