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From With a hot tutor like Lina Sweet, the only thing you'll be able to study are her tiny tits and tight ass. If you do learn anything, it's that she's an inexperienced teen who's looking to put a few notches on her belt. But don't let Lina's limited experience fool you. Once she decides to take the plunge with this guy, she uses everything she's learned from watching pornos to give him the best lay she can. She sucks his cock like a slut pro and fucks him till the sweet, creamy end.
Learned It From a Porno
From With a hot tutor like Lina Sweet, the only thing you'll be able to study are her tiny tits and tight ass. If you do learn anything, it's that she's an inexperienced teen who's looking to put a few notches on her belt. But don't let Lina's limited experience fool you. Once she decides to take the plunge with this guy, she uses everything she's learned from watching pornos to give him the best lay she can. She sucks his cock like a slut pro and fucks him till the sweet, creamy end.
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