evan rivers

Evan rivers excerpt

I would like to start by saying thank you for visiting this website. I came up with the idea for this site becuse I am very sick of all the crappy webpages out there. I use to browse around the internet and see the same shit everyday, sites with 0 creativity or thought, most likely put out by straight guys as some sort of money grab. So I figure what the fuck? I live in Miami Beach, I am 23 years old, I know a ton of people and I have a lot of great ideas; and THAT my friends is how EvanRivers.com was born. Please go ahead and check out my Welcome Video! You will see that I am very anal (pun intended) about the quality of this website, thats why this website is not covered in rainbows or full of guys you have seen a million times, and I truly value your feedback and requests. As a matte...

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